Sunday 19 October 2008

3rd Political Cartoon

I Think this one is more personal than anything i have clearly portrayed Gordon Brown as being a "Wanted man" due to state of our Financial status in the world.

Second Political Cartoon

This is my second design it is one of my favourites. Due to all the hype on Barack Obama possibly winning the elections i feel he is being protraied as the saviour of America. So i used that fact to have him saying "Soon ill be the King of the World" casue i feel that all the power is probably going to his head hence the crown.

First Political Cartoon

This is my First design for political cartoons it includes well known Politician's such as Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Mccain, Gordon Brown and the current President of America George Bush. i created this by sketching the word "TAXES" then i used photoshop to add the faces of the politions.

This idea shows how all the above politians envolvement in taxes through the Bold Letters.

Monday 29 September 2008

Political Cartoons

From the 18th century the political cartoon became a recognised form of commentary, taking serious issues and presenting them in a funny accessible way, designed to affect the viewer's opinion. In Britain, men such as James Gillray (1757-1815) and Thomas Rowlandson (1756-1827) who didn't hold back when making fun of political figures and issues, were developing the political cartoon. A politer approach was adopted by the next generation of British cartoonists led by George Cruikshank (1792-1878). Meanwhile, during stormy political times in 1830, their French counterparts had founded the first modern illustrated weekly publication, 'La Caricature'. This was eventually suppressed after a four-year battle, but already in place to take over was a daily newspaper, 'Le Charivari' (1832), featuring a new cartoon each day, which survived for 5 years. Due to the nature of their criticisms of the ruling parties, the cartoonists faced prison sentences and harassment and can be credited with influencing affairs at the time.
